Manualer / Instruction Manuals

Här hittar du all information du kan behöva om våra GANT TIME-klockor.

Du kan också hitta manualen till din klocka på den specifika produktsidan, under "Manual".

Om du har ytterligare frågor kan du bara skicka ett e-postmeddelande till oss.
Ladda ner dina klockmanualer nedan (öppnas i nytt fönster).

You will find all information regarding your watch below.

You can also find the manual for your watch on the specific product page, under "Manual".

If you have any further questions, just send us an email.
Download your watch manual below.

 G1020 - Park Hill Automatic

G1030 - Cameron II

G1040 - Vermont II

G1050 - Park Hill III

G1060 - Park Hill 38

G1070 - Houston

G1090 - Naples

G1210 - Park Hill Day Date

G1220 - Delaware

G1230 - Park Avenue Chrono

G1240 - Arlington

G1250 - Caldwell

G1260 - Park Avenue 28

G1270 - Park Avenue 32

G1280 - Park Avenue Day Date

G1290 - Sharon

G1310 - Ashmont

G1320 - Cleveland

G1330 - Norwood

G1340 - Oldham

G1350 - Spencer

G1360 - Sussex

G1370 - Louisa

G1410 - Crestwood

G1420 - Northampton

G1430 - Stanton

G1440 - Walworth

G1510 - Quincy

G1530 - Hempstead

G1540 - Middletown

G1550 - Tiverton

G1560 - Scarsdale

G1610 - Eastham

G1620 - R.O.P.

G1630 - Eastham Mid

G1640 - Quincy Lady

G1650 - East Hill

G1660 - Sussex 44

G1670 - Harwich

G1680 - Hammondsport

G1690 - Rutherford

G1710 - Sussex Mid

G1720 - Amesbury

G1730 - Rhode Island

G1730 - Rhode Island Heritage

G1740 - Waterville

G1750 - Southampton

G1760 - Castine

G1770 - East Hampton

G1780 - Truro

G1790 - Utica

G1810 - Sussex Mini

G1820 - Bridgeton

G1830 - Rochester

G1840 - Waterville Adventurer

G1860 - Everett Mini

G1870 - Fall River

G1880 - Webster

G1890 - Fairfax

G1910 - Easthill Day Date

G1920 - Marshfield

G1930 - Seneca

G1940 - Fairhaven

G1950 - Rhode Island Mini

G1960 - Bergamo

G1970 - Staten Island

G1980 - Lauderdale

K2800 - Graduate

K3200 - Campus

GP206 - Prestige

GP266 - Prestige

GP250 - Prestige

GP106 - Prestige

GP316 - Prestige

GP415 - Prestige

GP282 - Prestige  

GP301 - Prestige

Ladda ner användarmanualer och instruktioner för din GANT-klocka via länkarna nedan (öppnas i ett nytt fönster).


Download user manuals and instructions for your GANT watch through  the links below ( a new window will open)


Watch Care and Precautions

Disposal of Watches and Used Batteries

Adjusting Mesh Bands

Tachymeter Scale Instructions